3 Tips On How To Get An Ex To Want You Back

3 Tips On How To Get An Ex To Want You Back

Are you spending most of your time figuring out how to get an ex to want you back?
Are your calls, texts, and emails going unanswered? Surprised? You shouldn’t be!

Your calls and messages are going unanswered because you’re doing it all wrong. For you to get an ex to want you back, you need to be more subtle; more cunning and ingenious. Start off by steering clear from your ex; let your ex be, give your ex some breathing space.

Below are 3 powerful tips on how to get an ex to want you back, happily and gracefully:

1.      No contact:

it’s not a great idea to keep calling your ex numerous times a day; either trying to talk to your ex or leaving countless messages. The responses that you’ll most likely get are: ‘the ignore button’ on the cellular/mobile phone, the voicemail, the ‘click’ sound of the phone hanging up, or a possible polite (at least initially), “Please leave me alone. Stop calling.”

After the break up, time is of the essence for things to cool down. It’s not a good idea to contact your ex when things are heated; it can only make things worse, and that’s not what you want. Both
of you need time off from each other. When your ex broke off with you it could be a sign that your ex wants to think things over; wants to be left alone. Give that person that respect and avoid contact for at least a month.

Keep yourself busy; keep your mind off your ex and the break up. Spend more time with friends, colleagues from work, start a new hobby or two.

2.   No blame:

Blaming your ex for being unnecessarily cruel by breaking up with you can only cause more hurt and remorse. Rather than blaming your ex for hurting you, and while you’re enjoying your outdoor and social activities, take some time to think about and work out what went wrong; what was the last straw that made your ex leave you.

This is a very important step on how to get an ex to want you back, and stay with you in the long term. You will need to identify and resolve the reasons why your ex left you in the first place before you work on getting your ex back. Remember and think about what the last argument was about; it was probably not the underlying reason why your ex left, but from that last argument you can tell things have been building up to bring about the last argument and finally the dreaded break up.

Be honest, be tough and be realistic. Could you have said or done something that your ex just had enough of? If you seriously want to get an ex to want you back, analyse and admit you’re at fault (if you are), and be ready to make some changes. Knowing what went wrong is only part of  the formula, fixing the problem is the remaining and more crucial part.

3.  No rushing:

So you’vesteered clear from your ex for a while now, and you’ve identified where you went wrong, now is the time to get your ex to want you back. How do you do that subtly, delicately and ingeniously? Simple. Do not give the impression that you’ve completely changed beyond recognition, and do not let your ex feel that you are desperate to get back together again. These actions are very off-putting.

Take things slow and easy. Show your ex that you are committed to make the relationship work, and that you are prepared to do whatever is necessary to make it a success. Prove to your ex that you have made some changes. Your ex will not be interested to hear what you intend to do, but what changes you have actually made.

There you go, your three tips on how to get an ex to want you back, you see, how to get an ex to want you back is actually a simple and self-enlightening process; one that will benefit you both, and make your relationship stronger and more fruitful. A journey of discovery.


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